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Sunday School: Sunday School for all ages @ 9:00 am

Worship Service: Sundays @ 10:00 am
(Second & Last Sunday - Praise Service)


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Throughout the United States

Mission Quilts - St. Mark's Quilters 

St. Mark's Quilters meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:15-11:30am to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief in New Windsor, MD. If you can use a pen, scissors, tie a knot, or sew all are welcome to come and join us.

When you make and send a quilt, you are not only comforting someone you have never met, but providing an object that is useful in ways you probably never imagined. The ultimate purpose of a quilt is to provide warmth, an essential need for people in every climate. 20% of the quilts stay in the US, the rest are used throughout the world. For more information about Lutheran World Relief visit

In addition to being a cozy, clean new bed cover, it can be:

  • a baby carrier, tied around a mother’s back;
  • a market display, spread on the ground and piled with vegetables;
  • a sack for transporting those goods to market;
  • a sunshade;
  • a shawl; and most importantly
  • a constant reminder that someone, far away, cares a lot.




Join us as we partner with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America to do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world. We provide Mission Support to the ELCA which helps to make all their ministries possible, here at home and abroad. It is the way Lutherans experience sharing Jesus’ message of love around the world; it is the lifeblood of the work that God does through the ELCA. Please visit

ELCA Good Gifts

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is a church that is freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. With our hands, we do God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities in Jesus Christ’s name throughout the world.

ELCA Good Gifts go beyond your regular congregational offering to support the ministries of the ELCA that mean the most to you and your loved ones. Together, we do more than we could ever do alone: grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives. Please visit

DE/MD Synod

Walking together, we're able to proclaim the Gospel of God's unconditional love in Jesus Christ throughout Delaware and Maryland. The synod unites the work of congregations within our area, serves as regional support, and offers pastoral guidance. In order to strengthen the relationship between our local church, the synod leaders and the church wide office, we work with the Delaware/Maryland Synod to support the work of the synod. Learn more at