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Sunday School: Sunday School for all ages @ 9:00 am

Worship Service: Sundays @ 10:00 am
(Second & Last Sunday - Praise Service)


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In The Community

As a church, we want to be known for our extraordinary generosity – of both time and money - toward those in our local community. Through initiatives of St. Mark’s and partnerships with local nonprofits, we provide opportunities to meet the real needs of our community as we serve together.

Food Bank

St. Mark’s Community Food Bank is an outreach ministry that supports families who are in need of food assistance. Families may visit us once a month to choose from a menu of food items including canned fruits, canned vegetables, and meat. Through generous donations from the community, we sometimes have toiletries, and other food items.

The Food Bank is open Tuesday through Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 pm and is available to Washington County Maryland residents only. Federal guidelines do not permit us to supply food to anyone without proper ID. If you have recently moved to Washington Co, MD, you will need to bring proof of residency. You do NOT need a Community Action Council Food Bank letter.

The Food Bank is closed on the following days: New Years Eve, New Years Day, Good Friday, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the day after Christmas. IF the Washington County Public Schools are closed FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER or are closed early DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER, the food bank will also be closed. If the schools only have a delayed opening, the food bank will be open.

The Food Bank entrance is on the south side of St. Mark' on Washington St. and is across from the laundry mat. Take the stairs down by the Food Pantry sign. If you are unable to do the stairs, please knock on the window and someone will come up to assist you. We have rearranged our food bank utilizing every safety precaution available to protect our volunteers and families. As you enter, you will be given instructions on how to proceed to receive your food.

How to donate

We are a non-profit organization that relies on contributions from local churches and individuals in the community:

  • Donations may be sent to St. Mark’s Community Food Bank at 601 Washington Avenue, Hagerstown, MD 21740, Tuesdays thru Fridays from 8:00 - 3:00pm
  • Yes we accept perishables such as produce from your garden or store, bread and rolls from the store, and toiletries
  • To volunteer, contact St. Mark’s at 301-733-7550

Micah’s Backpack

St. Mark’s packs food "backpacks" for the Micah’s Backpack Program, which provides weekend meals to children in need. Each week, backpacks are filled with breakfast, lunch, and dinner items for each child, ensuring nutritious meals for the weekend.

How can you help?

You can donate items from the list below or send a monetary donation to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church and designate Micah’s Backpack on the memo line of your check.

  • Single serving fruit cups
  • Ramen noodles
  • Chicken noodle soup
  • Individually wrapped bags of crackers (Cheez-its, peanut butter crackers, etc.)
  • Juice boxes
  • Pudding cups
  • Microwavable Mac-n-cheese cups
  • SpaghettiOs

Learning Parties 

In Washington County, 25% of children enter school without the basic foundation to be “ready to learn.” Within the City of Hagerstown, that number is 33%. Language and literacy skills are a key component of a child’s ability to succeed in school, as well as later in life. Language and Literacy Learning Parties were brought to Washington County as part of the Hagerstown Rotary Literacy Initiative specifically to address this startling statistic and help raise the bar by helping parents see their role more clearly as their child’s first teacher. St. Mark’s provides this much-needed opportunity along with the Hagerstown Area Religious Council (HARC).

Learning Parties is a series of four sessions designed to teach parents how to improve their children’s basic language and literacy skills through simple, yet creative ways to engage their children. The children (ages 3 to 5) also participate in fun learning activities that correspond with what their parents are learning. At the end of each session, the parents and children are reunited to practice the skills together.

Community Santa Breakfast

St. Mark's hosts breakfast with Santa each December. The Christmas story, along with food, games and crafts will be part of the morning. Every child will receive a special gift from Santa along with a holiday portrait. Children of all ages are invited along with their families.