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Sunday School: Sunday School for all ages @ 9:00 am

Worship Service: Sundays @ 10:00 am
(Second & Last Sunday - Praise Service)


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Jesus commanded us to love one another. One of the best ways for St. Mark’s members to honor this command within the church is to actively love through an educational group. We study the Bible together, but group members also have the opportunity to love and be loved.

Praying for and supporting each other in the challenges of life is one of the greatest ways we can love like Jesus. The important thing is that you start living life with other believers. Groups are available for all ages, locations and meeting schedules.

It’s easier to journey through life with the support and accountability of like-minded believers. So why wait any longer? Join with us, and let’s honor Christ.

Alpha Class meets in the Fellowship Hall

We gather in the Fellowship Hall from 9-9:45am each Sunday morning. Our class is open to any adult who would like to attend. We will be examining the “Ten Women of the Bible” by Max Lucado. Their lives are very different from ours but we often find ourselves facing the same or similar issues.  Their stories show us there is a God who sees us where we are and loves us for who we are.  As we look at these stories, we will see how God "accepts from every nation the ones who fear him and does what is right." Acts 10:34-35. 

The Believers Class meets in the SonShine Cafe

We gather in the Sonshine Cafe from 9-9:45am each Sunday. Our class is open to any adult who would like to attend. We tend to get off track and laugh a lot, but we honestly enjoy our time together. Each week we discuss a chapter of our chosen book, so sorry, yes you will need to do some reading ahead. This fall we will be continuing our book study of Max Lucado’s "They Walked with God." Each week the book focuses on a different bible character. Some familiar some not so much.  This winter we will begin a new study of the book "Holy Moments" by Matthew Kelly, a little book with a big message: how to recognize and the act on those “holy moments” that are put before us. We would love to have you drop in and visit, and I do have extra copies of the books if you would like to join us.
~Robin Vogel

Pastor's Weekly Bible Study, Wednesdays

Pastor Brian has weekly Wednesday Bible Studies from 3:30 - 4:30pm in the Sonshine Cafe. We will start with the studies of the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. The plan is for the group to decide how they would like the structure of the class (cover parts of the bible, either by book or themes, or cover the lessons of upcoming Sunday services). Hope you can attend. Bring friends!

Visit our online calendar for a complete list of classes and events for adults.